The Empyrean Academy ranks among the Best CBSE school in Dehradun. We understand the importance of providing a holistic education that nurtures every aspect of a child’s development. Our approach ensures that each child has a strong foundation for their future. We are proud to be recognized among the Best CBSE school in Dehradun. Our curriculum is designed to stimulate young minds and encourage exploration, creativity, and critical thinking from an early age.
The preschool period is from 2 to 6 years of age. During these years, a strong foundation of a child’s personality and cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development is laid. Out of all areas of development, the earliest and most rapid area of development is motor development. Through motor development, the child emerges from a state of dependence to independence. The sequence in which each child passes through the stages of motor development is relatively fixed, but the pace differs from child to child.
To stimulate the gross, fine, and cognitive skills in children, they need to explore. A child’s thinking is governed by their perceptions, i.e., by what they observe before them. Their understanding improves with the extent of their experiences. Therefore, children need various opportunities for reasoning, problem-solving, and creative thinking.
We celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive environment where every student feels valued, respected, and accepted for who they are.
We instill a sense of responsibility in our students, empowering them to make positive choices and contribute meaningfully to their community.
We promote respect for oneself and others, teaching students to communicate and interact with kindness, empathy, and understanding.
We emphasize the importance of collaboration and teamwork, equipping students with the skills to work harmoniously with their peers and achieve shared goals.
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